Among the top Asian online bookmakers, SBOBet is the real deal. Its gamification platform, ingenious promotions, and vast array of betting options make it a top contender for the title of best sportsbook in Asia. Besides its wide range of betting options, the site also boasts of a solid welcome bonus program.
The website has a simple interface that lets users access the main features without having to delve into a maze of pages. The site is designed to suit the needs of all types of sports fans. In addition to the standard sportsbook and casino offerings, SBOBet also offers a virtual sports section and a racebook. Moreover, the site also boasts of a multilingual customer support team.
Considering the fact that SBOBet has been around for 16 years, the site is certainly a stalwart of the industry. Although the site’s user interface is simple, its functionalities are unmatched. The site’s gamification platform features simulations of basketball games, and it even offers basketball betting lines in advance. It also offers some of the best live streaming of sports in Asia.
The site is also designed to be user friendly, with its user-friendly interface making it easy to navigate from desktop to mobile. Moreover, the site boasts of a tiered revenue sharing system, which means that players have the ability to earn bonuses and earn even more if they place wagers on their favorite teams. Besides its impressive assortment of betting options, the site also boasts a robust live casino and live streaming of sports.
The site’s fad-worthy features also include a solid welcome bonus program, which rewards new customers with a 15% deposit bonus. However, the bonus is only available to those players from certain countries. Moreover, its minimum withdrawal amount is a bit on the steep side when dealing with currencies other than US dollars.
The site also boasts of a mobile app. This is particularly useful for those who wish to place wagers on the go. Moreover, the site’s live streaming service boasts of 20 live feeds on various sports and tournaments, which is impressive in itself.
The website also boasts of a bevy of promotions, such as a risk-free $1000 bet. However, it is important to note that the site does not offer political betting. Hence, it is best to do your due diligence before placing a bet with a new sportsbook.
The best sportsbook in Asia, SBOBet, also offers the best way to watch live sports in the region. Besides live streaming, the site also offers a range of betting options, as well as sports and casino promotions. Furthermore, the site boasts of a large user base, with over 1,200,000 registered users. This means that the site is well-served by a wide variety of players, who are also able to take advantage of the site’s impressive mobile site.
The site boasts of a number of perks and features, but the best part is its customer service. It has a solid customer support team that is available via email, Skype, and telephone. In addition, it boasts of a multi-language customer support team, and offers a host of promotions.